A Bond Of Trust With A Genuine Legacy


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Extremely Good Very Good Good Moderate Good Moderate Somehow Tolerable Poor Very Poor Extremely Poor
S.No Particulars Rating 1-10
1 Learning Value(in terms of skills,Concepts,Knowledge, Analytical abilities,or Broadening Perpectives)
2 Applicability / Relevance to real Life situations
3 Depth of the course content
4 Extent of coverage of course
5 Extent of effort required by students
1.Challenges 2.Adequate 3.InAdequate 4.Dull 5.Irrelevant
1.Highly Relevant 2.Relevant 3.Partly Relevant 4.Irrelevant 5. Completely Irrelevant
1.90 to 100% 2.75 to 90% 3.50 to 70% 4.40 to 50% 5.less Than 40%
* Give Points From 0 To 10 ( 0 - Worst, 10 Perfect)